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Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hi @Anony18


You're right - forcing someone to do what you want is pointless unless it's some kind of emergency - we had children and getting my ex to react to an emergency was a nightmare - all these years later I am still wondering why he would stroll in the direction of a hurt and crying child and blocking my way would add to the chaos and I cannot work that out.


But when it came to the ordinary - I gave up on that one - if I put my foot down about him taking care of the kids while I went somewhere would result in him projectile vomiting - the hushand not the kids - and somehow I am sure that was not something he could put on for amusement - it was from a disorder of some kind and forcing him


Like you said - your bf can be as stubborn as you - likewise I was as stubborn as my ex - and as the kids got older I had a completely different life -


And @Shaz51


I think it was you who said that people tend to say what your "should" do - heaven help me if I have ever said that - but unless people gave been in a bad situation we can't tell what they should do - this situation is always more complex than we can possibly know and the reasons we do things are complex


But yes - I tend to get a little blinking light in my head at times - do people behave the way they do because of their MI or because they just do - I can't answer that and I guess it varies from person to person.


It's tough and it doesn't have to be a dxd MI either - it can just be the way a person avoids a situation they don't like



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

You are a wonderful friend @Decadian xx

How are you today ??

I am aching a bit today , hope I am not getting another infection

see the specialist on thursday

we finish work next friday and have 2 weeks off


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hi @Shaz51


I hope you are not getting another infection too - I guess it would be easy to get a urinary tract infection when you only have one kidney


So it's Wednesday now and you are seeing your specialist tomorrow - that's not long to wait - I hope you are not feeling too bad


I have another anniversary on Friday - one of the hard ones - I have been dragging my heels a bit over the last few days - easier this year than before - and I am sure I won't feel so tired after that


All the best Shaz



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness


💜💕 @Decadian

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hello @Decadian xx

I feel ok, it is not getting worse , that is good

yep tomorrow is the day , see what happens

it is raining on and off today , so we have just finished work for the day

our customer we clean for every 2 weeks gave us chocolates  and wants us back next year after our break

I will be thinking of you my friend and sending you all my love



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Dear @Shaz51

Thats lovely, we have the best silver chain lady who cleans for us: I ...pretty much interviewed people and waited until I met someone who I felt safe with and no way whatso ever would we give her up..........

YOu dont want to get rid of someone you feel safe with and you know. Someone who doesnt come and fill you with their own problems and stress as many do...

I have also done in the past.........

Can I have a chocolate ?? Thanks xx


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Yes, you can have some chocolate my friends @PeppiPatty, @Faith-and-Hope, @Decadian, @Anony18, @TAB, @Appleblossom



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hello @PeppiPatty, @Faith-and-Hope, @Decadian, @Anony18, @TAB, @Former-Member xx

The Kidney specialist was  happy , the kidney is still at 24%

I have borderline Diabetes but don`t need tablets yet , but I am going to see the doctor to see what I can do to help it from getting worse

Back on antibotics as the infection is still there from last time

See the kidney specialist in 6 months time

next appoinment is with the Dietician

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hi @Shaz51

Pleased to hear that your kidney function has not deteriorated further.  Good news!

Like you I also have been recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes.  Do you have both Glucose Intollerance and Insulin Resistance, like me?  Apparently some modifications to diet and a more rigorous exercise regime will help.  I saw a dietician last week too, and it proved quite helpful.  She looked at me and said "Mmm, so I wont be telling you to lose weight", lets just stick with exercise and a bit of knowledge about what foods are best to avoid and some better alternatives to restrict carbs etc.

So I am hoping that with a more disciplined exercise schedule, it will help to maintain an acceptable level of glucose and stop the overworking insulin production from the poor old pancreas.

I am just wondering though Shaz.  When you would have had the blood tests done (2 hour GTT and Insulin test) did you also get tested for Chromium levels?  It turns out that my chromium levels were non existent.  If you read up about Chromium it is a very vital element in processing glucose and helps in the effectiveness of insulin.  I was therefore given a script for Chromium and Biotin (B7) supplements to try to build up some chromium.  And since I am not overweight and have no family history of diabetes, my GP is of the opinion that with the chromium it will help considerably.

So have a read about chromium and how it affects glucose and insulin.  Its very interesting, and if you GP hasnt already done so, it would be beneficial to check it out.  Apparently serious chormium deficiency is fairly rare, but many people do have a bit of a deficiency and could benefit by supplements.  Apparently we only ever absorb very small traces of chromium, and only very small amounts are really needed.  But if you are deficient, then it can cause a lot of serious issues.  Like I said read up about Chromium Deficiency - you will find it interesting.


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Thank you @Former-Member xx

that is very interesting xx

I have only 1 kidney working at 24 % , Kidneu disease stage 4 and now diagnosed with pre-diabetes.

the specialist said it is because of the kidney disease

Last time the Dietician rang me up was in February and she is ringing me back in march , that is why i want to see if i can get another Dietician closer to where i live

I want to see the doctor on what i can do about it instead of just saying it is because i have Kidney disease

how are you going with yours my friend xx

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