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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Jacques,

Thinking of you. I hope you are ok. HeartSmiley Happy

Hi @PeppiPatty

How are you going now? I hope things have settled for you a bit. I read you'veHeart had a difficult time of late too. HeartSmiley Happy

Sending hugs @Former-Member HeartSmiley Happy 

Re: Just checking in.

❤️ @Former-Member

Re: Just checking in.


Re: Just checking in.

❤️ @Former-Member
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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Former-Member, found you xox

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Former-Member

Thank you for thinking of me, i have tye flu abd have pulled a muscle in my side, it is excruciating when i cough, abd with the flu i am coughing a lot.

I have been struggling of late and feel really guilty about my behavior when speaking with @Former-Member.

I did not mean harm or any insinuation about mental illness.
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Re: Just checking in.

Hey. @Former-Member You did 😁👍

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Re: Just checking in.


Hi @Former-Member

are you up for a coffee and chat?

what have u been up to today?

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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Jacques,

im really sorry you are so unwell. It sounds like it is really difficult and painful to cough.

I thought you may have gone quiet over that. I'm sure that she will be ok over it. I also trod on aButterfly's toes on her thread recently. Like you I didn't mean to and the last thing I intended was to add frustration or hurt to someone on the forum and at the time I was trying to help. I think though with so many variations of so many MI and the nature of us all being very sensitive sometimes these things happen. Please don't let it eat you up. I know you have apologised and I'm pretty sure she accepted it at the time. I'm trying to look at my mess up as a learning thing and be more aware before posting something similar again. Perhaps you can as well as I'm pretty sure you learned from your mistake too. Please take care @Jacques and try to let go of the guilt from this. 

I hope you get better soon💜🤗💐

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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Former-Member, 

you just reminded me I had half a coffee left. You know I started this thread so I didn't have to talk about me but it appears it's backfiring 😳😆😝😁

Im having a hard day but I've been ok before that for a while. I'm hoping tomorrow is kinder but I'm hormonal too so not holding out for anything great.

How are you?