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Re: Worn out

I am onto it thanks to you and others. 

Re: Worn out

I was able to have a non confrontational discussion with my son about some of the issues happening. I was also able to lay down a few simple "rules" in regards to communication, responsibility and respect. Basically I drew a line in the sand and he appeared to understand. My heart is a bit lighter. It is a step in the right direction I think.

Re: Worn out

Hi @Telopea

Some people visit the forums fleetingly, others have been here much longer.  Some of the threads on the Lived Experience forum operate like live-chat because they are frequented by a community of people posting across the day, and often all through the night, in comings and goings amongst those who sleep in increments, or who are experiencing a particularly unsettled night .... they keep very good company, and are a ready shoulder for anyone struggling in the moment.

The closest we have on the Carers forum is the Hot Chocolate Anyone thread under the Looking After Ourselves topic ... but it is, as yet, much slower moving.  Tawney was over there this morning offering a pot of black tea to anyone partial ..... it's a virtual cafe to pop into and just chat with anyone else who is around.

Take care.  I am glad you are seeing some daylight 😊

Re: Worn out

Hi Worn Out...such great news to read that you have taken a stand.  Well done to you and yes it most definately is a step in the right direction. The more you push back, the stronger you will feel and obviously, the more responsibility your son will need to acknowledge. This is turn should make him to start to feel a little better in himself also. We all need bounderies in our lives. Hats off to you for making a start on a more empowered life. Keep up the great work.

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