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Re: not feeling good

Tried to post this just before the forum went down for a bit @BlueBay. I worried I might have spammed you with a bazillion copies of this message from pushing post and having nothing work!

@BlueBay just calling by with some ❤ and thoughts. That's a really tough headspace to be in. Well done on speaking with the nurse there. I hope you can get some rest or peace tonight.

Thinking of you ❤
Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

Hi @CheerBear and @BlueBay 


Yes the forums has been down for about 40 minutes. We have fixed the problem now - touch wood. Sorry about the outage.



Re: not feeling good

You are feeling horrible @BlueBay - that's easy to understand 


But you are more than your job  - what about little A - you are a Nonna too and I remember my grandmothers with great love  - they were important people in my life 


Atm you seem positive you won't get another job  - that's not proven yet 


Just give yourself time to recover  - that's enough right now 


Sending 💜💙



Re: not feeling good

Hi @Owlunar 

yeah I think I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps. I miss my job the girls I worked with. But it's ok.
I slept well last night after increase in med. I just completed art therapy and normally I wouldn't attend. But I thought I would tiday. I painted my paper with oranges and browns.  Then we had to draw pictures and put in the painting. I drew a tree and then got emotional. I walked out and one nurse saw me and came to chat. I told her I'm feeling really dumb because I can't draw. After 5 mins I went  back in snd completed my painting. It turned out ok. 
it is amazing how doing something like painting affected me emotionally. 
I'm going to go fir a walk later. 
reg work - I'm nit giving myself time. I need to sort myself out first. 
actually on the weekend I saw a friend who manages the register girls at my local IGA supermarket. I mentioned I've got no job and she suggested to come in and see her snd she could possibly give me a job.  
do you know I'm thinking that might be perfect. Close to home I know a lot of the girls znd I go in fo my job snd go home. And I'll see most of the pharmacy customers. 
im seriously thinking of doing that. 
I think I'm feeling a bit better. I'm waiting to see the social worker. 
good class after lunch today with a good counsellor. 
I got a phone call before from local public hospital about doing ACT therapy. Two hours a week for 8 weeks. Looking forward to that. 
overall I'm plodding along. Still having my emotional days. 

hope you are ok. I often think of you. 
hi 👋 @CheerBear @MDT @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Molliex @Angels333 abd ithers following 


Re: not feeling good

Hey @BlueBay

Wow. That sounds like a great opportunity to work atthe iga. You sound genuinely positive about it.

I am happy you are also getting the help you need in this hospital. That's great news too 🙂

Sometimes these things have a way of creeping up on us though. Like our ability to do something we thought we could do - drawing for example.

Take it as it is I guess hey.

I am on lunch at my internship. So far an interesting day.

I felt a bit depressed before so took the chance to come outside for something to eat.

Re: not feeling good

Hey @BlueBay 


It was lovely reading your post.  You sound a little chirpier.   Art therapy can be cathartic bringing out emotions.   


I have been swimming today, I  saw my psychologist and my head was in a fuzz, then I  went for a swim and felt so much better.


Much love Angels333 xxx

Re: not feeling good

hello and hugs my sister @BlueBay 

no work for us today , wow soo much rain Heart

Re: not feeling good

Thinking about you @BlueBay  🧡💛💚💙💜

Re: not feeling good

That sounds really positive @BlueBay . I am really proud of you and your efforts xx

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay 


I hope your interview with the social worker went well and also it sounds are there are job opportunities around - remember - we can't see the future and never know what will happen that will be a good thing


Don't worry about not being able to draw - I can't - and I can't wrap presents either - it's a family joke by now - we all have things we can't do for lack of skills - 


All you have to do right now is give yourself time - we spend time in a psyche hospital because we are feeling so vulnerable - and scared - and we are emotionally wrecked - you are in the right place at the right time - all you need to do is to be - and breathe


But it's not easy - I know from my own past



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