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🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

I'd like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the lands from which I am writing from. I pay respect to Elders's past, present, and emerging, and value the rich history, unbroken culture, and ongoing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to Country. I'd also like to acknowledge any  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the forum.



What is National Reconciliation Week?


 National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all to come together, learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.


The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. We will have a chat more about what these two important dates mean for our nation throughout the week.


As an organisation, we are deeply committed to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been and/or are impacted by structural racism, historical injustice, trauma, and discrimination.


How will we be celebrating and acknowledging National Reconciliation Week on the SANE Forums?


We are starting this space to chat with one another and share resources of our shared histories, experiences, cultures, and achievements.  Each weekday, we will be posting a new question or resource to this thread.


How can you get involved?


There are tons of ways to show your support and get involved:

  1. Check back in each morning to see the new question and post your response.
  2. If you see a response that you resonate with, click the “support” button to show you are listening
  3. Tag members who you feel might be interested in contributing to the discussion
  4. Share resources that you have found helpful or that might be educational for those reading along


Multiple events are happening across Australia for National Reconciliation Week. Take a look at Reconciliation Australia’s website, for some more information on how you can get involved in events and activities near you.




Open, respectful, honest, and safe discussions are important for all of us to come together. To keep this space safe and respectful of the diverse experiences of our community, we ask that all members refresh their understanding of the community guidelines in advance so that we can make this discussion inclusive and welcoming.


If you feel distressed during this discussion, there are support options available to you. You can start a new discussion on the Forums and talk to others, contact the SANE Support Counselling team on 1800 18 7263 (Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm AEST) or find crisis support options here.



Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Wednesday 26/05: 


Today is National Sorry Day 🖤 💛❤️


A day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation.


Question: What does Sorry Day mean to you? 


As a non-Indigenous person, for me, Sorry Day is an important day to acknowledge the Stolen Generations and all who were, and continue to be, impacted by the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. 


Key messages from The Healing Foundation which really resonates with me were: 


“As we acknowledge Sorry Day, we share the message that healing is about restoring the wellbeing, strength of spirit, family connections, and lore that has made our cultures the oldest living cultures on earth."  


  • Commit to ACTION.
  • Build on STRENGTHS – of culture, spirit, and our status as First Nations peoples.
  • Tell the TRUTH.
  • Do no more HARM.
  • End RACISM. " 


National Sorry Day 2020 | Reconciliation Australia

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Thank you @Former-Member for creating this thread.


Content Warning for intergenerational trauma and the Stolen Generations:


Sending love and support to Aboriginal people today 🖤💛❤️ I understand that today can be hard, particularly if people in your family and communities were stolen, or are still being stolen. 


Particularly for fellow non-Indigenous people, I found this video to be a good opportunity to learn more about Sorry Day. The video is by Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation who support Stolen Generations survivors and their families.

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Thank you so much, @Former-Member and @Former-Member for this discussion about reconciliation.


I know for sure that @eth will be interested to read this ongoing discussion when she is next at the forum. Tagging @Shaz51 as well, our forum genius with connecting people by member tagging. I believe @Owlunar may wish to know about this discussion as well.


As a child in the 1960s and early 1970s, our Australian history learning at school focused on early British explorers, almost nothing of the ancient history of indigenous people, or the suffering endured to this present day since British colonisation of Australia in the late 1700s. 


Later in the 1970s, when I was about 15, Nene Gare's novel 'The Fringe Dwellers' was on the study list in our English class. That was my first experience of truer learning about indigenous life in Australia. As a fellow human, I was deeply moved by the writing and the story told.


I am grateful for the further understandings given by many later artistic and cultural works by other people of indigenous descent, including Sally Morgan's novel, 'My Place'. The moving and true work of artists such as Albert Namatjira, the genius of David Gulpilil and so many other brilliant indigenous creators. Documentary films about Australia's history that shocked and revealed to me many more truths about discrimination in this country.


Kevin Rudd apologising publicly to the Stolen Generations in our place of national government in 2008 moved me and gladdened my heart as a meaningful symbolic event in Australia's history. I know there is still a very long way to go with justice and reconciliation in practice.


I am often struck by the leadership, wisdom and generosity of spirit of indigenous people in the reconciliation movement, offering healing for all of Australia. Again I see this in the words quoted by @Former-Member from the Healing Foundation, that include no war-like, angry words that would be fully understandable given Australia's history.


Instead I read timeless wisdoms such as "tell the truth" and "do no more harm", and feel a healing spirit. These wise, peaceful, powerful messages from indigenous communities to wider Australia inspire me and give me hope of a greater wholeness for future generations of Australians belonging together with this great ancient land.

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Hi @Mazarita , 


Instead I read timeless wisdoms such as "tell the truth" and "do no more harm", and feel a healing spirit. These wise, peaceful, powerful messages from indigenous communities to wider Australia inspire me and give me hope of a greater wholeness for future generations of Australians belonging together with this great ancient land.

I couldn't have worded it any better than you did Heart 


Similar to you I also learned a lot more about the historical injustices and discriminatory practices through documentary films and truth-telling videos such as the one that @Former-Member  shared. I think truth-telling is so important to bring us together and create a better/more equitable future for all. 

@Mazarita wrote:


I am grateful for the further understandings given by many later artistic and cultural works by other people of indigenous descent, including Sally Morgan's novel, 'My Place'. The moving and true work of artists such as Albert Namatjira, the genius of David Gulpilil and so many other brilliant indigenous creators. Documentary films about Australia's history that shocked and revealed to me many more truths about discrimination in this country.



Thank you for sharing this @Mazarita. I will definitely need to take a look at their artwork! For me, a picture is worth a thousand words. Tomorrow, I will be sharing more about this year's National Reconciliation Week theme and the beautiful artwork to accompany it 🖼️ 

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Thursday 27/05/21 


Today is the first day of National Reconciliation Week 🖤 💛❤️


The theme of this year’s National Reconciliation Week is: 'More than a word. Reconciliation takes action'.


I would like to share with everyone the artwork made that was made by an artist for NRW2021 




I thought some might be interested to know more about what each element within the artwork mean : 

  • Spirit souls = thinking/awareness
  • Moons/planet = Represent cycle and time.
  • Stars = Navigation and knowing the way.
  • Boomerang = Coming full circle. 20 boomerangs represent the 20 years of Reconciliation Australia.
  • Reflection = Reflecting on our actions.
  • Central river = The crying river represents the degradation and needed renewal. The land is suffering from inaction


For me, seeing this artwork, understanding, and then reflecting on what each of the elements means was a powerful experience. It really highlights to me that reconciliation can only be achieved through meaningful, collective reflection, dialogue, and actions.


Questions to everyone:


What are your thoughts on this year’s theme for NRW2021?


What comes to mind when you see the above artwork?


Tagging those who supported my previous post to receive a reminder Smiley Happy 

@Mazarita @Former-Member @Sophia1 @StuF @Shaz51 @Judi9877 @Schitzo @TideisTurning @NatureLover 

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

@Former-Member, this year's theme reminds me of the old phrase "actions speak louder than words". It's all well and good saying things, but to my mind, when words are backed up by action, they can speak so much louder and can be made so much more meaningful. Saying you'll do something is one thing, but actually doing it is a whole other thing altogether! 😊

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

Thank you my Scotirish sister @Mazarita ❤❤

Hello @Former-Member , @TideisTurning , @Former-Member 😀👋

Will be back soon 

👋👋 @Appleblossom , @utopia 

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

@Mazarita@Shaz51  ❤❤

 @Peonies , @TideisTurning , @girasole 


All I can say is something I saw yesterday.  I agree with all that's been shared here and am grateful to see this acknowledgment becoming more widely known in our society and this community .....


Sorry means you don't do it again.

Re: 🖤 💛❤️ National Reconciliation Week 2021 - Week long discussion

my town comes from the Wanyurr Yidinji words, 'bunna binda' meaning 'water passing over your shoulder',

@Former-Member, @Mazarita@TideisTurning , @Former-Member , @eth@Appleblossom@utopia@greenpea@frog@Faith-and-Hope@Zoe7@Anastasia Heart

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