Re: All Things Sport...

It was bizarre they were blaming Langer too but yeah all nuts @Zoe7
Not applicable

Re: All Things Sport...

Totally agree @Zoe7 and @TAB ... The way Wade took so many hits to the body and arms in the Test against the Kiwi's was somewhat bizarre. He just seems to intentionally take it to the body more times than not. Then defiantly look at the bowlers and entice them to keep 'em coming. He even said to one of them "keep em coming big boy". I think that were his exact words. Yes Zoe I am like you, never been a big Wade fan. He is courageous though ... gotta give him that. Very much a chirper though, and must be damned annoying to the opposition. I thought the Aussies were trying to get away from that? I guess I was wrong.

Anyway ... my Sixers reverted back to their poor batting form of last season. Sadly made to look very ordinary.

I do like the little Afhgan bowler of yours Zoe. I looked him up and he played a few matches for you at the end of the last season. There are some good little Afghan players in the T20 scene, the competition seems made for them. And good on them.


Re: All Things Sport...

Apparently there are a few afghanis in bbl o9 @Former-Member @Zoe7 anyways pakistan fast bowlers usually from north and British Empire created both entities across tribal lines of course haha so notso much nationality maybe. An indian guy worked with few years ago said India is really 20 countries eg ..

Re: All Things Sport...

@Former-Member @TAB We play again Christmas Eve at home but I doubt I will go this year as I will have too much to organise for Christmas Day and my sister (who I usually go with) will most likely be moving things to their new house that day. Last year my sister's partner's family were down for the Christmas Eve game and I took the kids so it was fun for us all. The kids are gorgeous and absolutely no trouble so I was more than happy to take them.

Re: All Things Sport...

So you are going then @Zoe7 lol

Re: All Things Sport...

Hi guys,

Have you guys heard of street soccer at all?  I am doing this now - and it is the best thing that I have done in a long time!

This is because when I first went there, I stuffed my left ankle up.  Then, the next week - due to my ankle - I decided to try goal keeping.

I quickly found out that I wasn't too bad at this job - I kept blocking the ball left, right and centre!  The guys didn't let up on me either - they kicked the crap out of the ball at me, but I stopped most of them!

After going to soccer five times now, I have had heaps of people complimenting me on my goalkeeping - this is good for me because I don't usually like compliments at all.  However - now I feel fitter and I might even get onto a team of some sort - who knows!  In other words, I now have something to look forward to in the new year - not sitting around doing diddly squat lol

Re: All Things Sport...

That is awesome @soppykat - go you 👍😁 It is great when we can not only find something we like but are reasonably good at - certainly gives our self-esteem a boost.

Re: All Things Sport...

yeah @Zoe7  - i should have tried this years ago lol - but anyways, my self esteem has always been down in the dumps - maybe this is going to be my saviour 🙂 thank you

Re: All Things Sport...

When we find those things that can give us a boost in even small ways @soppykat we need to grasp them with both hands - maybe this will be just that added boost for you - and the fact that you really enjoy it is an added bonus.

Re: All Things Sport...

@Former-Member Are you watching the Big Bash? Perth are very disappointing tonight.