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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Love the fejoias @Smc 

Have not seen you for a long time.



@Determined Between a rock and a rock huh.  Hope things settle and your study goes well.

Smiley Frustrated

@Former-Member Love the Sound of Mucous!

Smiley LOL

@Faith-and-Hope  @Adge 

and all reading along ...

I hope you sleep well ...

Smiley Happy

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Appleblossom, I was "offline" for about a week visiting my parents. Is good to be back- both back home and back on the forum.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Smiley Happy

 Oh sorry I thought it was longer ... but it is just me who has not been on this side of the forum lately.  HOw are your parents?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Appleblossom, I can't remember how much of my news you're caught up with? Both parents are in aged care, have been for about 3 years now. They're slowly declining, but are in a friendly place where they're well looked after. It's a 400km trip to see them, so that's really important. What with carer requirements back here and trying to fit in some "self care", we just can't get there very often.
Our trips to visit them are split between actual visiting time, and house clearing time. Again, 400kms away makes that a slow job, but we're gradually getting there.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Thats a big trip and a lot of work.  Are they coping reasonably. Is it their house getting ready for sale.


Ageing looks different now with aged care homes and reitrement villages.  There is so much variation in health and needs.  


My son and I have spent more time than usual in aged care situations as it has mainly been fairly mature people who took any interest in us. For a while we were visitng 3 including my mother for 9 months. Though I am grateful for that, I am really hopeful my son finds younger company.

I am sure your family is happy you are home.

Smiley Happy

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Appleblossom, Dad is pretty contented. His memory is a bit dodgy, but he still remembers family and others he's in regular contact with. The home has an art teacher visiting regularly, who has encouraged him to put pencil/charcoal to paper again after not having done so for years. 🙂
Mum has severe lymphedema, and a related skin infection that isn't responding to any treatment, but via very careful wound mamagement, they're managing to slow its spread.
We can see sign that both of them are slowly "winding down", but at least they're doing it somewhere that they're well cared for and well liked. They both have high care needs in different ways, so while they would have liked to see out their end at home, they are much better off where they are.


The house... it needs to be sold, but there's 40 years of stuff to clear first, accumulated by two people with many and varied interests, who grew up in the waste-not-want-not post-depression war years. And my sister and I have also developed overful houses for more or less the same reasons, so we're busily trying to clear out whatever is junk at our own places so that we can bring back things that we genuinely want from their house. I think you'd relate to my Grandmother's pianola and 200+ rolls being one of the treasures. 🙂 While it's not as fine an instrument as a grand piano, it's an instrument that anyone can "play". I'm hoping that sing along evenings with a few friends are somewhere in our near-ish future. I may even pull out my violin and viola to accompany the rolls. 🎶🎻

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Sorry about your mother's issues. @Smc 

Smiley Sad

Sifting and sorting ...still have to do some in my bedroom! I was a little hasty when I was cleaning out my mother's place as I had 2 old aunties breathing down my neck and triggering old feelings and actually an uncle being a smart a .** to my son ... challenging him to why he did not go to my aunties painting exhibition opening, when they had not even invited us. Yeah ... the hotshot big manager ships captain deflected all their family conscience with a quick quip to my son.  I was disgusted. Last straw.  Remember I was going on needing to heal my arty side when you first came to the forums.


Its been 4 years since mum passed and it took me a while to go through her old music I took the bare minimum ... including a painting of my brother on a holiday when he was 9.  I was so disgusted I left large items for the greedy rellies. In other ways my sense of aesthetics and sight and arty side are being allowed more expression.


Those pianolas were usually a better class of upright. Good construction.  Sounds like a great idea to have singalongs.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Appleblossom, it's only my sister and I going through our parents' things. Their siblings have all "preceeded" them, and probably wouldn't have wanted a "share" anyway. I'm so often thankful that we're able to decide who-gets-what in a civil manner. Having the sort of infighting we've heard about going on would have emotionally been the last straw for all of us.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I agree Thats a big trip and a lot of work. @Smc , sending you hugs Heart

Hello @Faith-and-Hope , @Appleblossom , @Adge , @Determined 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?





Glad that it is all civil.  Nobody benefits from the icky stuff.


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