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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@MDT @NikNik @TAB @Shaz51 @Adge 


Cold here as well but snug as a bug in a rug with the heater.


 I had an awesome day with online meetings and had a delicious noodles with silverside and veggies for lunch and chicken and rice with cheese sauce for dinner

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @TAB Which Bit (what words) was US English?

Otherwise I have no idea (don't know).


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good to see you too @MDT Fading fast, it's been a long day (long week too).

Will have to log off & say Goodnight soon.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds good @jem80  yeah was thinking silverside the other day, didnt get it somehow just getting wood fire going here

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Snug as a Bug in a Rug @jem80 I love that saying (I haven't hear it in ages).

It Reminds me of "Goodnight, Sleep Tight, & Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite" (or if they do bite, then bite them back).


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh. Surgeries is American , like drs office, which used to be called drs surgery here years ago, as in a place. If you had your tonsils out eg , that was an operation  not a surgery lol and hospitals had Wards, not departments like ED lol ..anyhoo.. hope you are okay 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Silverside sounds good @jem80  but  I settled for my traditional Friday feast of Fish n chips. I rarely do anything different on Fridays and so you don’t need to ask...I’m not catholic!

Hi to @Adge @TAB @MDT @Shaz51 

Lets have a good weekend!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 fish and chips on friday is a mine camp thing as well @Eve7  

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey good on you @jem80

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Here here @Eve7
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