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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

I’m so glad that you have a ‘job’ that means so much to you. @tyme. Just so you know speaking for myself you mean a lot to us too. 

It’s pretty cold here too, we haven’t reached double digits for a few day. 


Re: I can’t cope

Sorry to hear about Pix @Captain24 I hope it isn't anything too bad.

I hope the alone time at home was nice.


Re: I can’t cope

Awww. Poor Pix. Hope she will be okay @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

The alone time was great @Snowie @tyme 


So mum sends me a message saying that Pix can’t put her foot on the floor. She can’t walk on it. I said ok to taking her to the vet. Nothing is wrong and she is walking on it just fine! 

So does have to have pain relief just in case. 

Bonus. The vet wasn’t scared of her and Pix was good with her too. Maybe I have found out new vet since my old one left. 

Re: I can’t cope

Arghhhh @Captain24 


Drama drama....

Re: I can’t cope

Oh I know @tyme. She is sitting here whining so she is fine. 

How is old mate in your house going? 

Re: I can’t cope

He's up and down. He gets very upset with the voices. I don't think he's on the right meds. That's something his MH team need to sort out. 


I went there last week to fix a tap of his. The place looks so lovely. It makes me want to go back there. 


I want to help him more, but I don't want him to get attached. He's a real softie. Actually, his mum isn't well and he's stressed out about her. She has an aneurism, and has been feinting a lot lately. She lives in supported care for the vulnerable and those at risk of homelessness. 


He's got a long way to go, but such a lovely guy @Captain24 


I need to step back and know I can't DO things for people to help them. 

Re: I can’t cope

LOL. Pix is whining, so she's fine @Captain24  Is she a major whiner?

Re: I can’t cope

I’m so glad he is looking after the place @tyme. As simple as that sounds it’s a lot. It’s hard with MH issues to clean a place. Having it look good so care and consideration. It also shows respect that you are giving home a chance. 

Thats sad about his mum. 

It’s hard to find that line between support and attachment. I have attachment issues, I know that and need to work on it. 

It sounds like you have a good respect for him as well. 

He may have a long way to go but it’s not as far as it was before you have him a roof over his head. 

Yes she’s a whiner. If she’s not getting what she wants she certainly lets you know. So I’ve put her on my lap to shut her up. Now she is scratching so I will pat her! So demanding! lol 😜 

Re: I can’t cope

You don’t have to reply and no pressure
But I wanted to say I am sorry for the times I have upset you or hurt you, I don’t want that and I don’t want people scared of me or scared to be on here cause of me. I’m sorry for the times I have upset you.
You don’t have to forgive me I don’t expect that
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