Casual Contributor

I'm struggling to get help for my son.

He has been unmedicated for 2 years the voices and personalities are becoming more and more evident.  He won't see anyone, he doesn't think it is an issue.  How can I get him medicated if he won't help himself..... any advice would help


Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hello @Marg

I am in the same boat.

some of us have written on another thread 

I will try to tag you

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.



can you please help new person to son 22 with schizophrenia thread

thank you 

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hi @Marg,

Welcome to the forum, it's fantastic that you have taken this time to reach out and connect with individuals who share similar experiences to yourself.

Please find the post Here mentioned by @mohill

It has some inspiring messages and other links that may be useful for you.






Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Thanks I'm waiting on CAT and police at the moment hopefully something can be done.  If I can get him to hospital I will call channel 7 news desk if they try releasing him with no help.

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hello @Marg

how are things?

was your son detained?

how are you both coping?

he will be a mess not thinking that he is unwell

went through this end of last year

he fled state and now is showing signs of deterioration but I can't tell him that he is unwell as he will cut off all contact. Took me ages to find state he had fled to.

I hope that you both don't have Togo through anything like that.

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hi Mohill

thanks for checking in.  It has taken 4 days to have him assessed as very unwell.  Unfortunately the CAT team couldn't get the police to attend so we now have to wait until they can come and transport him to hospital.  

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.


I hope hospital has been of some benefit for your boy.  It is a hard call, but sometimes we can carry too much alone at home.

Take care

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hello @Marg, how are you today my fiend HeartHeart

Re: I'm struggling to get help for my son.

Hello @Marg

How are you managing with your son's health?

noneed to reply if you don't feel up to it

take care