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Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1 Sorry I am not around much, I have to go get my meds and try and sleep. I am not much help sorry. I don't think I am any good as a cg.

Re: Struggling

@Snowie you are a great CG

Hey @Fluttershy1
I will be about for the next 15 mins.

Re: Struggling

@MDT - I cri

Re: Struggling

It's okay to cry @Fluttershy1

I was very upset recently about stuff in my life.

We are all here for each other.

I'm happy you are safe. I'm also happy you are reaching out too.

Re: Struggling

@MDT - sitting here crying because I got told I'm faking my MH when I not


Re: Struggling

@MDT - it's hard fighting urges. I'm safe I'm safe I can't say that enough. Things are just rough and rocky I promise 


Re: Struggling

You're a great CG @Snowie  .... I second that .... but this is a time that you need to be focused on your own recovery, and sitting with others here only when and as you can ...... hugs n hugs Hon ..... keep taking those baby steps.


@Fluttershy1 I can sit with you for a while ..... 


The thing about baby steps is working out what itty-bitty thing you can do for the next few minutes ..... and sometimes that is just to sit, and breathe.  Sometimes it is to just cry, because that is natural to us when people are saying hurtful things, like what was said to you today.  It's great that you have reached out here, and found some forum friends to sit with you ...... and you never have to worry about being believed here.  Support is what we are about.  Sending gentle hugs your way too .....

Re: Struggling

@Faith-and-Hope  - thanks hun that's really sweet of you. If you want to sit with me you can but you don't have to I'm currently crying. I don't know how I feel 

Re: Struggling

I know that "I don't know how I feel" feeling @Fluttershy1 .....

Re: Struggling

Hi @Fluttershy1
Just letting you know that I’m thinking of you. Stay safe please🌻
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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