Casual Contributor

i don't know what's going on :)

hi, i literally just signed up for SANE like 5 mins ago and it's 1:30am where i am. i'm feeling a little confused and i feel like this is something i should talk about so i'm starting here.


i'm undergoing some shit in my life - i feel anxious about things i shouldn't be anxious about and i feel apathetic about things i shouldn't be apathetic about. it honestly just feels like i'm out of whack and i've had a look at some resources online concerning effects of stress/symptoms of mental illness and i feel like something's going on. please keep in mind i am UNDIAGNOSED...


...but the thing is, i'm actually a teenager and i'm well aware of how self-absorbed i can be. so i'm wondering if what i'm experiencing is, well, legitimate, or am i being a dramatic teenager/stuck in a victim mindset?


all i know is, i seem to be experiencing life differently to those around me and i'm exhibiting some signs of mental illness, but i'm apprehensive because my symptoms aren't particularly 'extreme' in my opinion:

- suicidal/intrusive/unwanted thoughts, but i have never self-harmed

- body dysmorphia but never developed an ED

- tired and energetic at weird times in the day, but may be related to iron deficiency and isn't extreme enough to be deemed result of a sleep disorder

- irritable, sensitive and just generally constantly tense

- bouts of extreme hopelessness, sadness, and anxiety about my future

- mood swings (very teenager)

- frequent inability to concentrate; my GP referred me to an ADHD specialist but i keep forgetting to go get tested lmao

- everything just feels like it takes SO MUCH EFFORT and i feel sad like all the time


pls help 🙂


Re: i don't know what's going on :)

@pxlxmx Hi pxixmx and welcome to the forum. Firstly this is an over 18 forum so if you are younger you should be looking at contacting Kids Helpline, Head Space etc (I will tag @outlander  as she is a youngan and will be able to give you more details of places that could help you). If you are over 18 welcome aboard :D. We are a friendly bunch here and everyone chips in to help each other.Just one thing if you want to talk to someone directly put a @infront of their name and that will notify the f your post. Cheers greenpea

Re: i don't know what's going on :)

@pxlxmx Hi pxlxmx, I am new here too but much older than you. The first thing that crossed my mind was I’m sorry you are going through this, the teenage years are hard for most people. If you get help and support now though maybe you can get back on track and not have your problems become chronic like mine did. It’s a new year, I hope it’s a new start for you. Good luck. 

Re: i don't know what's going on :)

Hi @pxlmxm well done for reaching out.
You meantioned your a teenager, so can i ask your age?
as the lovley @greenpea mentioned this forum is for people 18 and over however there is a forum similar to this one called ReachOut where thats for people aged 14-25. You can find the other forums by doing a search 'reach out australia' and itll come up for you.

You mentioned that your gp refferred you to someone to test for adhd? Perhaps a good place to start would be to speak with your parents and your gp again about what youve written here. Would you be comfortable with that?

Can i ask what sort of person you were refferred to for adhd? As in a psychiatrist, psychologistor someone else?
There is help out there for what your experiencing and also the things your going through in life as well

Re: i don't know what's going on :)

hey @outlander thanks for helping me out. i still haven't been tested for ADHD but i was referred to a psychiatrist, which i think is a wise choice because ADHD generally requires medication. thanks for suggesting some other forums, i'm pretty new to all this stuff.


the thing is, when i went to my GP it was because my mum was worried about me. however, i had internalised stigma and i felt shameful about taking medication, so i lied to my doctor and said all i felt was tired (then i was diagnosed with anaemia). i wouldn't feel comfortable seeing the same GP again so the search for a new one may take a while.


i'll be sure to check out the under 18 forums, thanks

Re: i don't know what's going on :)

That is ok, i wish you well on the other forums and perhaps when you turn 18 you could rejoin up here @pxlxmx
Headspace has gps, psychologists and oaychia avaliable foe young people to access for free as well. Might be worth having a look at the headspace website and see if others on the reach out forums have some other things useful to you too