Casual Contributor


Hi, I am new, I am looking to connect with those who suffer with mental health, I cant keep relying of family to be there for me, and my 2 closest friends ( which they both live far away from me and i dont really have any other contacts where i live) have asked me not to discuss my mental health with them. No judgement on them of course but it gets lonely and i find talking to others can be really helpful. I suffer from BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) which i was diagnosed this year with, along with Severe depression and Anxiety.

Not applicable

Re: Hi

Hi @DJ228, welcome to the forums community! 😊I hope you'll be able to find some valuable connections here.


There's a great community of people with BPD over in this thread you might like to join Smiley Happy Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script 

Casual Contributor

Re: Hi

Hi @Former-Member,


Thank you so much! i will take a look at that thread now : )

Not applicable

Re: Hi

Hello, hello! 😊.


Well, according to the brief, I think you'll have a nice time here! As the name of the forum suggests, most people here have lived experience of mental illness, so they will be able to understand your situation better than your friends might. That's not to say that your friends can't still help you, by distracting you for example, but yeah. 


I would say that MOST people don't really know how to handle it. Kind of a blessing to them, really!

Community Guide

Re: Hi

Hi @DJ228 and welcome to the forums👋! I'm glad you found the courage to join. I'm sure you'll find the forums a safe, friendly and welcoming place to be. I'm a Community Guide here whose job is to welcome new forum members and offer advice as well as show people around the forums. I also have BPD along with 2 other mental illnesses so I can offer some lived experience on the condition.

I see you've met the wonderful @Former-Member as well which is great whose directed you to the area on BPD called Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script which is a discussion area on BPD. I also hang out there along with other forum members who have knowledge of BPD such as @BPDSurvivor who is a great source of information.


To help you on the forums, I'd like to offer you the tip of using the @ function which brings down forum members names and topics on the forums that you might like to connect with as you can see like I've done with other members names.


I wish you all the best and hope to see you on around the forums.



Casual Contributor

Re: Hi

Hello. I have had BPD for along time.

Working with my councillor, I have looked at my core values which represent me. Not the other , who wants to destroy me.

I made 10 affirmations t h at related to what I feel I need right now to be able to move on and be strong enough to get help.

It is really frustrating, trying to get the right help.

For me, as well, it was easy to see someone and go on and on about so much , absolute confusion. I have found ,by focusing on a couple of things was easier to begin with new councillor. I love to eat. Nice healthy food. Just being mindful around that his so much. But rewarding. Shop good, eat good, feel .later then

Casual Contributor

Re: Hi

Perhaps I was a bit thoughtless as to how your anxiety effects you.

I havnt been able to do 15 iles in a supermarkets for a long time.

I shop online at Coles . Sometimes 4$,8%,or free delivery. I can spend all week shopping a t home.

I am trying to get back to umm whole foods, doesn't have to be a 20 ingredients every meal I don't think .

2 months ago, I went to the post office.

Had to wait for 10 people. Didn't make it. Crashed, burst into tears, in t h e post office. At least I made to ten.