Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Oh you are a flatterer @Anastasia  😊 re your comment that I have a 'young screen presence'.  Thank you ... I think?

Oh yes, I remember the year when I turned 50 (such a long time ago 😂) ... I think it dawned upon me that year that I really was getting old/er.  I have always been mistaken for someone quite a bit younger than I am, but I think more recently I definitely look my age.  Certainly I feel it. 


I think I was attracted to the volunteer work in nursing homes because I had my own parents a long way away from me and I was unable to visit them.  So it was a bit like ... I will help out someone elses parents, and hope that someone elsewhere might do the same for my parents.  Too late for my Mum now of course, but Dad gets looked after well by the people we set him up with for AgedCare.  The people who deliver his meals each day, and do some cleaning and bed changing and showering once a week are really fabulous to and with him.  


I do a bit of all sorts in the nursing home when I do go.  I am in the Volunteer Community Visitor program, and have been allocated a certain person with similar interests, but whom has no other visitors.  But I also help out with activities and outings sometimes.  But my main role is to visit this particular person and spend time with her as her special visitor, someone specifically for her.  Its sad because so many of these residents have no family left, or none living nearby.  But yes, hopefully one day soon .. the facilities will be able to reopen to visitors and I can start going again.


Oh yes, the power did eventually come back on on Monday.  It was only out for just on 2 hours.  So all good this time.  Really just an inconvenience because we had no idea how long it would be out for.  Not sure if I could cook the planned dinner or if I would have to resort to cold chicken and salad.  The only thing in our house that is not electricity reliant is our wood burning fire in our living room.  We had that going on the day, and at least it provided a bit of firelight in the dark.


I have read that wind has a negative influence on mood for a great number of people.  I do live in a lovely area of NSW.  But I gues like many people in the Bush ... mother nature can strike back with droughts, fires, floods and storms.  We all take our share of those in Australia.  After all we are, in Dorthea Mackellars famous words:


I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me!


Love the Pooh Bear and Piglet story .. thank you so much for sharing.  🤗  Its so sweet.


It sounds as though you work for a good organisation, and thats absolute priceless.  Though with the changed circumstances meaning a change of roles, it does mean some added stress unfortunately.  But at least its something you can do from home, and in todays COVID environment, thats a big plus I think.


Are you working today?  How is your Boy getting along so far?


Emelia 🌸

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Smc  💕😊  Thank you.


Sorry to hear you and your husband have needed to stop work due to your daughters MI.  Being on standby for any crisis that occurs (be it at home or elsewhere) definitely would take a heavy toll.  Loss of employment (for any reason) is a major adjustment to come to terms with, because work is such a major part of our lives.  When we no longer have it ... nothing is the same.  Plus there is usually a significant loss of income with adds to any distress around it.  Yes I think you are right in saying that it results in a grieving process.  And that could last for a long time, and in fact it could be something that some people never really get over .. in an emotional and self worth sense anyway.


I do feel for you in all that you are contending with.


Emelia 🌸

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello dear @Shaz51 .


I recall that you are seeing your Mums doctor some time today.  I hope that goes well and that you are able to get the support you need from her GP to get the Centrelink Carers Allowance (at least) application for your Mum happening.


I see you are still waiting for results from tests Mr Shaz had done for possible kidney donor. That seems to have taken a very long time?  Or are these additional test that you have had more recently?


Sending you a big hug and lots of love my beautiful friend.  And something for you, just because you're you. 


Emelia 💕


Image result for big hug and bunch of flowers


Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello @Emelia8 


yes it was most definitely a compliment! I am sure that your beauty from within radiates as you are such a giving person.


I love that poem too and it is so perfect for our country! And I have always loved Poo and his friends.


My mother worked in a nursing home when I was a teenager. I used to walk there from school and spend time with my favourite oldies, to see their face light up when they saw me was priceless, bless them. 


My son is doing ok I think, very little contact other than a good morning and report on the food lol. Food is always high on his agenda. I do miss him however I really need a mental break so I will be looking to do some "me" things over the time that I have. 


Enjoy your night, your fireplace sounds divine. I have been rugging up with layer upn layer as Sarah Lee likes to put it, I am definitely not a winter person. 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!



Yes thats very true .. most of the oldies show their appreciation of seeing visitors.  Their faces light up, and when those with dementia even remember your name ... it warms the heart.  They are a pleasure to spend time with I find.  I used to take my little dog sometimes too .. and they all loved her so much. Everyone wanted to have a pat and talk about her.


Sounds like you were long due a 'respite break' .. and your boy being in hospital has given you that.  I guess when it comes to hospital ... there is not a lot to do or look forward to .. other than food.  So it is a naturally very important thing in their lives.  I hope the food has been to his liking?


Ha ha ... I am more of a winter person than a summer one.  Hot weather drains my energy. Enjoy your evening.


Emelia 🌸

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thinking of you and sending warm wishes @Shaz51   Just catching up here with your news.  Big decisions to be made.  Hope your doctor is really helpful and you get the outcome you deserve with c'link.  Take care xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

hello again @eth@Emelia8@Anastasia@Smc , @Former-Member :

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Good morning @Shaz51 😀

How are you, and yours?

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Happy Friday @Shaz51 

Hope your day is a good day 😘

Not applicable

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

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Good morning @Shaz51 @Anastasia