Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Good Morning @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Anastasia @Former-Member 🙂

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello @Smc , @Former-Member , @Anastasia , @Emelia8 , @eth 

Home again 

Not for long , got a birthday  dinner to go to tonight 

Soo will be unable to do the Friday  night  feast xxx 

Ohhh soo much is going on and Mr shaz hates changes 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

very tired @Smc , @Former-Member , @Anastasia , @Determined   @eth , @Emelia8 Heart

over the last week 

mr shaz has had some sunspots cut out 

have done all the paperwork for centrelink 

this morning we were at centrelink

home now and mr shaz has gone to bed 

have a leaking washing machine 

the specialist has sent me back to the dietician 

Smiley Very Happy one of our doctors who has treated the 3 of us -- calls me "The Boss" now 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Not surprised Mr Shaz has gone to bed, wondering how you're still standing. Sounds like a massive week... and Centrelink appointments can be very exhausting. Heart

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hi dear @Shaz51 ... it has been a busy week for you so far, and more of the week still to come.  At least you will have a Smokey day tomorrow. 🐈


Good to hear you have completed and submitted all your paperwork to Centrelink.  Really hope this time your application for Carer Payment or Allowance is approved.  It most definitely should be.


Which specialist has sent you back to the dietician Shaz?  Kidney specialist (CKD) or endocrinologist (Diabetes)?  Do you have an appointment yet?  Ha ha ... I can just see you Shaz ... Boss lady!  In the most gentle of ways, I am quite positive.  🤗💕


Hi also to @Former-Member @Anastasia @eth @Smc @Owlunar 


Emelia 🌸

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

thank you @Emelia8@Smc , @Former-Member Heart


it has been a busy week for you so far, and more of the week still to come. --- yes and having big trouble with telstras Smiley Mad


and mr shaz woke up and said " he want`s to retire "


completed and submitted all your paperwork to Centrelink.-- fingers crossed @Emelia8 

looks like we got the low income health care card ✔


Which specialist has sent you back to the dietician Shaz? --- the CKD kidney specialist , and got an appt next wednesday ( and i used to go to her before )


Ha ha ... I can just see you Shaz ... Boss lady!Smiley Very Happy:


Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello  @eth , @Jacques , @Appleblossom , @Owlunar , @greenpea , @Smc , @Emelia8 , @Adge 

thank you for the check in 

how are you this weekend Heart

thank you for the tags HeartHeart
soo much is going on
and then last night S2 rang on the video chat , not good , he has ADHD and depression and has been letting himself go
our washing maching has been leak and we found there were two splits in the hose so Mr Shaz tried to fix it
fingers crossed -- i have done 2 loads since and no leaking yet
and mr shaz seems to be tiring a lot more lately

having big trouble with telstra !!!!!

did our food shooping and mum`s today 

had lunch and felt very tired , so went to bed and the phone woke me up 


Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hi @Shaz51 


You do have a lot on your work load right now and of course - it all seems to be happening with so much stress on the communities everywhere


So S2 had ADHD and depression which sounds enough but letting himself go is serious - has he had a diagnosis or is he falling in a heap and looking at that as a cause for doing so? I know the ?crisis is making it hard for people to get by - and - like - how long can this last - when I hear the press conferences the reporters are almost begging the politicians to give us the end-by date but who can tell - and it is a worry for you and for Mr Shaz that S2 is - well - battling. How can you support him? It does seem to get back to you doesn't it. 


And no wonder - Mr Shaz is tiring more - this I understand - more stress for him and more anxiety - and we all battle on in different ways. I hope he is okay


And you too - have you had any news about your kidney transplant yet? You might have posted this but I haven't been in this forum at all recently - I do read the other one though I have been busy and not posting much - I hope you can keep as well as possible with all this happening


Shopping for you and your mum - and washing machine problems - who needs that? Testra issues - I have heard that - I had problems with them early in the lock down - I think they are short staffed and restaffing because they used so much off-shore support - and what else?


Of course - you went to bed and the phone had to ring when you were asleep - how often do we keep busy or just read and watch TV and no phone calls - but have a nap - phone - I find this interesting


Take it easy when you can Shaz


And I am sending you my worn-out owl - tired of the lock-down - and also - best wishes




Hi Shaz - owl be thinking of youHi Shaz - owl be thinking of you

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

hello @Owlunar HeartHeart


So S2 had ADHD and depression--- he has had ADHD all the time but the depression is new 

S2 had had lots of problems so he has always lead on his real mum for guidness , but now she has moved to another city , so I think he is feeling it 

I think we made a difference last night , soo just keep in touch xx


S3 has ADHD too and last week he was punched in the back of the head , fell to the ground and then was kicked 


I see the kidney specialist again in september , yes i am listed now but have to wait now for the fight time to have a transplant 

the kidney specialist has sent me too a dietician again 


yes mr shaz woke up and feels more tired now 

@Former-Member, @Emelia8@Smc@Anastasia 



Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thinking of you and sending love and strength @Shaz51   I am sure you are there for your troubled son in ways no-one else can be.  Hang in there lovely xx