Re: Depression and Anxiety

Hi @Farmchick, how are you feeling today? 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

@Sans911Thanks heaps this has been a great help

what do you mean by frequient rest? 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

Hey @Ali11 


Thabks for checking in, today wasnt a bad day but wasnt the best, just got a bit overwheled by Nan and pa wanting me to go and work on their farm but its doing something i havent done before so i feel a bit uncomfortable but mum and dad are telling me i need to help cause its family. 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

Just that @Farmchick

Having depression and anxiety is exhausting. Mentally & physically. I've had days where I can sleep up to 10hours. And that's OK. It's not laziness either. So I take frequent breaks in my day. Sometimes I do nothing, sometimes I nap, read, watch a show. Everything you need to do is still there after your break. And can wait until the next day if it has to. So sometimes I don't get the house vacuumed, but I try to accept that I need rest more than the house needs vacuuming. Some people in your life might find it hard to accept that you need that rest and perhaps you are lazy. But you're not. Having a mental illness is a challenge in many ways.

Re: Depression and Anxiety

What's the farm like @Farmchick? Have you spent much time there before? 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

i have spent a bit of time there @Ali11 but i was going to be doing something i havent done before so i was worried i would stuff it up 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

It's good that you know that particular farm a bit, @Farmchick. Is the work you'd be doing something you're interested in learning about? What makes you think you won't be able to do it well? 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

beautifully said @Sans911



@Farmchick  did Sans911 explaination help you understand what she was talking about? do you resonate with what she has said?

do you like to take drives around the farm and help with the animals- do you find it helpful for managing your emotions?

Re: Depression and Anxiety

Yeah @Ali11 defintely interested just worried i will stuff it up for them and cost them money 

Re: Depression and Anxiety

what Sam said did help @outlander and yeah love just driving around the farm the open space helps me relax but there not always time to stop and take it all in