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Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar, how are you today my second mum

hope your pains are easing a little now xxxxx

Re: Life can be a Pain

Dear @Owlunar .. Firstly I love your owl sketch! And I also like the little Beach Bum kitty in QLD. With the weather we've all been getting in the more Southern States of late, some warm QLD sun would be most welcome.

Hey its wonderful news that you are now able to move your shoulder more now since the procedure. And even better that its pretty much pain free compared to what it clearly was before. Ouch!

Fingers crossed that, with the help of your pain specialists magic needles and COVID appearing to go back into its bottle in Aust, it allows you to do some more travel. Maybe next year that will become possible again. I hope so.

I want to thank you Dec for the poem you left on my thread on Saturday. It was lovely and also somewhat uplifting and offering of hope and comfort. So that was really nice to read. I have quite a few replies to respond to on my thread, and I will get there eventually.

Do you have a busy week ahead of you Dec? Do you still have a support worker coming in to help you out? I hope so because it means you dont have to overexert yourself in doing any of the heavier jobs around the house. And it also provides some company for you which, in your lockdown situation, is very limited. I hope you are doing well.

Perhaps you have been inspired to do some more sketching, after the success of your owl picture? I would love to see whatever else you may be working on.

I have been doing some more of my diamond painting when I find some free moments. Might do some more today I hope. In fact its looking, so far at least, as though it might be a relatively quiet week this week. Ahead of a busy week the following one.

Sending love and light through cyber space to you.

Hi also to @Shaz51 @BlueBay @Zoe7

Emelia 🌸😊💕

Re: Life can be a Pain

My owl sketch @Emelia8  - thanks for that - I really don't draw - just sketch - and when the mood is on me I can turn something out - I did two owl sketches last week for my helpers - and they like them - so I decided to share one of them - and if I manage something else I will post that too - maybe as the lockdown eases I will have something more owlful - nah - try owlpful Smiley Happy


And the little beach Bum Kitty - I posted that when I was in Cairns last year - I am so glad I took two weeks then - I didn't do a lot - drank coffee near the pool and enjoyed the ocean views from my room - and walked along The Esplanade in the evenings - and have those memories which are making the lockdown easier for me. And yes - flew out across the reef in a helicopter - I want to do that again


Yes - I do have my suport workers coming in and they do make a difference - I had my social contact on the phone this afternoon - normally we would go shopping or have a coffee somewhere - or walk out on the pier - but we can chat - we really can - a hour can fly past. And having the girls come in to vacuum and wash the floor and iron makes life easier - I need to get my shoulder working again - it's pretty fragile really and the magic needles are there to ward off the need for replacement surgery - it means a lot to me not to have that surgery which does not have a good prognosis for "ladies like myself" - so the tactful surgeon said - I am glad I am seeing such a proactive pain specialist


Love and light and cyber-space coffee - yes indeed - I have to go and see my GP later today so I had better have a coffee - I likes weal coffee like my cute bunny


I hope you are okay - I am so glad you were able to find your way back - and thanks also for the comments on the poem I wrote - yes -- it is true - they will always be young and beautiful - my son would be 50 by now and it's hard to imagine - he will always have black, very curly, hair - I just can't see him going grey or bald - it's just not happening. But there is always a sense of impenetrable sorrow there - I know you know


Sending more hugs




Moccona classic? Yes!Moccona classic? Yes!



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Emelia8 @Shaz51 @Zoe7 @outlander @BlueBay@MDT @TAB  - and everyone else


I am feeling really unhappy this afternoon - my daughter is in hospital and may have to have spinal surgery and this is serious - one of her legs is badly affected by the damaged discs in her back and she has other problems too


That's enough to take - for all of us - but we can't even go and see her - her husband took some things down there for her but they just took them off him and that was all - for the first time the lock down really bites - I couldn't see anyone when I had a week in hospital and it was reallly lonely there for a week and I wasn't facing spinal surgery


 So - I do support the lock down in Victoria but this is hard to take - how must anyone feel alone in hospital facing possible spinal surgery - 


I will set up my phone for face-time - I like to know everything that's happening but other people just don't ask those questions - 



Re: Life can be a Pain

Sheesh @Owlunar
I am sorry to hear this my friend.

I don't know what to say..

I am thinking of you and supporting you

Re: Life can be a Pain

thats tough @Owlunar @Decadian  lol hope it goes okay in the end. had mystery cough here for months, prob reaction to new meds but started 3 at same time and was a side effect of all 3 ha ha  anyway, got rid of most and changed the last one, fingers crossed. had chest xray nothing, ct scan chest tomorrow

Re: Life can be a Pain

ohhhhh sending you lots of hugs my second mum @Owlunar HeartHeart

hope all goes well xoxo 

Hello @TAB@MDT@Emelia8@BlueBay 

Re: Life can be a Pain

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @outlander @Shaz51 @TAB @MDT 


I had a phone call from my daughter yesterday - the injection she had into her spine seems to have helped and I really really do hope that helps her recover without having spinal surgery


For decades I have had medical people tell me not to have spinal fusion surgery - but then I never had slipped discs - it seems that with every generation this spinal problem gets worse - starting with Dad and me - we can't help what we inherit but it doesn't make the actuality seem any better - 


She is a pretty tough woman - I know where she gets that from - I will phone her later - I was in that hospital for a week and they are on the ball all day - good attention - except for the skinny milk and constant blood pressure. I am sure she is being well cared for.


After she rang yesterday and I really did feel better after that - I got a migraine and I usually get them around my son's anniversaries - it's strange to have one about her - or maybe it was that strong wind and an abrupt change in the weather when it rained for a couple of hours - I had a couple of headache tablets and went to bed for a couple of hours and slept a bit and felt okay afterwards - stress is such a crappy way of feeling the truth


So today I got up early and it's a lovely morning - all the best everyone and have the best day possible





Re: Life can be a Pain



Hi Tabby Cat


I'm sorry to hear about your mystery cough - and you have had months of it - what fun that has to be (not) 


I had one of them way back in the dark ages of the C20th - sometimes it's hard to stop coughing once you start and that was the case with me but eventually persistance paid off and they discovered the reason and cured it - which took long enough


All the best with the crossed fingers and a C-T scan - 


The trick that found the reason I was coughing was a fibre-optic tube up my nostril and in the back of my throat was a fissure caused by whatever caused the cough in the first place - and they fixed that - an operation yes - but in my memory it's not a big deal but no one wants an operation - still - I had a mystery cough and all sorts of tests - so I am just reliving a bit of my past and hope you find out it is something fixable


All the best Tabs




A mystery cough is all we need during COVID-19 - I guess you have been tested for that - :(A mystery cough is all we need during COVID-19 - I guess you have been tested for that - 😞

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