Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

.. my brain/bodies at about 24% today thinkin ๐Ÿ˜€ Soz lol

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Same here @TAB, my brain is hurting now xx

how are you going xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Becoming anaesthetised here re aches and pains in body and brain.. tomorrow's another day..๐Ÿ˜€

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Dear special friend @Shaz51

Again, we r reminded  of your kind, beautiful nature. I am struck by your .....focus and your happyness in times of personal problems with health. 


How are you tonight? It's late....I send you my best wishes for Christmas........ and LOVE to you. 

I must also comment here, I have'nt met you @Former-Member but  thank you so much about your information. Im running to my GP next week and seeing her about what you have written. 

My husband and I have just decided to quit eating sugar and the affects are starting to be changing our activity and lazi....ness. WE are both more active, happier and up and this space......




Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

thank you so much about your information. Im running to my GP next week and seeing her about what you have written. @Former-Member 

How are you today and little holly @Former-Member

Thankyou @PeppiPatty, my special friend

but yesterday i had all these funny emotions building inside of me , that I got sooo hot and teary in the specialist office , wow I didn`t know what was happening to me xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Oh @Shaz51 I didn't realise how much the specialist appointment affected you yesterday, I'm sorry. How are you feeling about it today?

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

A lot better now @Shimmer xx

It really surprised me

it was the shock of it that nothing can be done about it going into full diabetes ,

he was telling me all the things that are going to happen over the years to come because of the kidney disease and then to end up on a machine for the kidney in the future

But I am going to see what I can do to delay it

I have a dietician ( HA ) I have not seen since february so I am going to try to get another one closer to where i live


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Fair enough that you felt shocked @Shaz51! That would have been scary to hear how it is likely to progress over the years. Taking a proactive approach to delay it as much as possible sounds ideal. Good idea finding a closer dietitian.

I'm glad you are feeling a lot better now xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

@Shimmer HeartHeart

My mum is a very postive and strong person -- so she had lots of ideas

My Mother inlaw is very negative -- ohhh what are we going to do , Do i look like that sick

and my poor hubby  xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Thats good @Shaz51, I'm glad you are checking with your GP about the issue of Chromium.  Chromium, although only needed is very small quantities, is essential in the healthy processing of glucose.  And it can very definitely aid in preventing the regression from pre-diabetes to full blown diabetes.  So it is certainly worth checking with your GP and perhaps getting a blood test to check that your chromium levels are adequate.  I know you need to be very careful about what you take because of your CKD, so you certainly should not do anything without getting the approval from your GP or nephrologist.  Chromium deficiency can also have an adverse affect on depression from what I have read, so that may interest others here.

Hi @PeppiPatty, nice to meet you. Hello again @Faith-and-Hope @TAB @Shimmer  - sorry I havent been around very much lately.

Thanks for asking Shaz, I am doing things pretty tough at the moment.  Quite depressed about everything in general.  Not sleeping at all.  And the medication I have been on  for ptsd-related nightmares and sleep disturbances, I have had to reduce because it lowers my blood pressure too much. So nightmares are becoming an issue again for me.  I need to find a happy medium where the meds are effective in stopping nightmares and flashbacks, but not lowering my blood pressure to the extent that I am staggering into walls all day long from dizziness.  It just leaves me feeling very insecure with everything I do I guess.  I am determined to get there though.  Oh. and if anybody is interested in knowing - chromium supplements can also help to lower blood pressure, so if you have high BP (mine is naturally very low unfortunately) this could help you.  But for me its very much a Catch 22 situation.  Damn!

I saw my psych yesterday actually and she wants me just to concentrate on the basics over the next 6 weeks - you know like eating, sleeping and exercising.  Try to do the basics well in other words.  And I have another appointment to see her in 6 weeks time.  She has given me lots of tips and advise on better sleep, and also things I need to do to get me over this latest depressive episode.

Holly is great, she is such a beautiful little dog.  I love her so much.  xx