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Re: not feeling good

Hey @BlueBay 


Did you see your psych today?


I'm so sorry to hear that you are so exhausted and missing your work friends, it can be devastating πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Re: not feeling good

I'm scared 

Had a really bad experience 

can't go into detail 

I pressed the button fir the nurse

I was under my blankets 

I've been crying for a while 

nurse reassured me it's no one

havibg a cup of tea 

scared I'm been followed 

it's scary 


psych came to see me last night 

he said I look like a wreck and exhausted 

meds are doing what it's meant to do 

keep my mind calm instead of agitated anxious and emotional 

he's coming back this morning 

allowed to go home for only a few hours then he wants me back in here 

this psych is fantastic 


Thanks everyone for your support. It means so much to have friends like you all here for me. 
@Angels333 @Maggie @MDT @saturnzoon @Shaz51 @Owlunar @Former-Member @Zoe7 and others I csnt remember sorry!!

Re: not feeling good

Re: not feeling good

Hey @BlueBay

It is best if you had that bad experience in hospital where they can treat you right away hey. There is a silver lining there.

Just take it easy today my friend.

Re: not feeling good

Good that you are in hospital and have support @BlueBay 

Re: not feeling good

Thinking of you @BlueBay πŸ™‚ Heart

Re: not feeling good

I've been thinking of you @BlueBay. I'm glad you have such a wonderful psych there to support you. Sending hugs πŸ’œπŸŒ»πŸ’œ

Re: not feeling good

Hi @Molliex @Gazza75 @Zoe7 @MDT @Maggie @Owlunar @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51  @Angels333 and others reading 

thiught I would give you guys an update:

yesterday was another day of being numb. No emotions at all. It felt weird this morning my psych called in to see me and I told him about no emotions. He said it's part of grief. It's ok. He let me go home fir a few hours which was good as I was starting to feel like I was stuck inside. When I came back I was angry. No particular reason or trigger.  And then after two days of no tears they cane agsin. Had to speak to nurse. I ended up going to my room put earphones on with relaxing music and coloured in a picture. Best thing. 
I then was allowed to go in the courtyard with my book and managed to read a little. 
this psych said he'll reassess me been allowed to go out on my own. Fir this weekend I'm not allowed. 
I really love this psych. I'm going to see if I can see him in the future. in one week if seeing him im so comfortable. I feel very comfortable and not scared in telling him things. So different to my regular psych. 
not doing groups yet until next week. He said in my case groups may make me worse. So we'll see what he says on Monday. 
He was glad that I changed psychologists as the previous one was trauma related but not good for me. He wants me to focus  on present stuff. 
I can't believe how much I'm sleeping. It's the meds that are doing this but he's happy as it's taken away the anger and agitation. He is slowly taking me off this Monday. 
My eating is terrible. It's hard. 
im hoping on Monday he lets me have my own time to go out for a walk. I've missed my walking this week. 
im not sure how long I'll be in here for. I asked him today and he replied he's not sure yet. I told him that's ok I don't have a job to go to so I may as well get better first. 
seeing a social worker next week. 
I'm sorry I'm not replying to your posts. It's just too much. But I hope you're all coping as best you can. 
Thsnks for tour support. 
love BB ❀️❀️❀️

Re: not feeling good

Hey my friend @BlueBay

Good to hear from you.

It sounds like you are in a place where you needed to be for a while now hey?

I am glad you are finding it useful for your MH.

Hospital is there for that very reason.

Re: not feeling good

πŸ’œπŸš @BlueBay ....

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