Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys 


Thank you for your acknowledgements over whatever time.

I have read your responses to others a couple of times and love that you continue to respond to people as "You".


Not many do that in the real world tonys


My connection with you way back will never be forgotten even though you might feel that it has. That is not me. Even in silence the connection is never forgotten.


Love that you are being you wherever on these forums and in real life. It is a maze isn't it.

Always the unknown to look forward to.

Always be true to yourself

Tonys at moonbase


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @TAB 

I cannot see the triangle of course laugh


Sitting on a horse


laugh I have seen enough people kicked and thrown from horses to put me offf!


Love horses though.   Not their fault..    Humanity!


How are you now settling in?

Re: Living with Ourselves



Thank you so very much for your constant including me in your posts, threads.


I think that I need to borrow you and bring you over to my world to help me set up my own organic vegetable raised gardens beds.

I need a push

I know that if you were here you would push me

I want for you the best in your world and respect that you have changed your name.

I did the very same years ago to respect the privacy of my loved one.,

Whatever your reason is I wholeheartedly respect.



Re: Living with Ourselves

um yeah if I ever lose enough weight might get back on one one day @Sophia1 

pic is Kaisers Daughter have used so many times lol. yes horsies are smart .

um seemingly busy. not getting visited or visiting re friends, went on short break to Broken Hill a while back, was interesting.

Currently spending a day in adelaide once a fortnight, but for study. Doing certIV in training and assessment. car broke down other day, stuff of nightmares as am using it so much now. 60k round trip to Woolies. 350k plus to Adelaide and back etc etc

cant catch up on medical plus dental appts , so alway seem to have something have to remember. Joined local RSL. only opens once a month, might be ok for a social thing.

Hope things not too bad for you ?

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello my dear friend  @Sophia1 ..  I have no time concepts,   so for me it was yesterday.  I pray you are well and subs is still sea worthy.    I need to tell you,   Its the book keepers surprise birthday bonfire

bash,   and I'm more that a little    'shiny"   on the moonshine.  So,  I'll get back to the guests,   and 

go searching the cobble street coffee shops for you tomorrow afternoon.


Welcome back to port old friend..                          tonys..

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi @Sophia1 


It warms my heart to see you pop up again. I have missed your sensitive presence on the forums. You remind me to tread lightly around people. I don’t know what I don’t know. I wish you and I and @tonys could all garden together. There is no rush though. Spring won’t be here till September. Now that summer is over I have started planting again. Just planted my garlic out and I am busy chitting some potatoes. I really have missed you so much and I hope you will stick around for a little while so we can catch up. 

Re: Living with Ourselves

  hi @Sophia1 please don't apologies for speaking with me on whatever part of the forum i am on. and please don't feel bad for not being able to reach out when i was struggling, it is ok and i got the help i needed so it worked out in the end. i have found a good psychologist online and even though i have only had one session with her i think it will help slowly for me to be able to cope with what life i have left. 


i do understand and know how difficult life can be and i hope you are finding the help you need to support yourself and your family while you get back on your feet. 


please feel free to post to me any time on any forum, when i can i will respond. 





Re: Living with Ourselves

Oh @Sophia1 

@Thank you for your beautiful post. I really appreciate it. Your gentleness rather than formality shines thru.

I began this reply last night but was interrupted by my son. I was glad he did as he has been going through a lot, so any time he is keen to talk I want to be there for him.  

I managed some sleep but I did dream about you and felt our connection about our boys with seriousness. In my dream I knew there was something to do… not to forget… silly how the mind works…



heartfelt greetings 










Re: Living with Ourselves

Hey there  @Sophia1 ..   Sorry mate.   Time shifted again and all the coffee shops were empty.   Cobble stones all shiny and fresh after  Autumn Showers,  but not a face to be seen, to marvel at them.


Oh . . .   wait ..   a fleeting reflection in a shop front pane.    Hurried click of heals on wet stone as 

fine cut silk n braid   evanesce yond the reach of my eye.   Train jumpers on apposing tracks.


That we only glimpsed  the fade of our faces,  as our journey's  wrest control from our grip,   is not 

what matters.

What matters is that,   once upon a time we met and those memories are forever etched on our eyes... 


Whatever worlds your travelling,   Know that I'm always here and time does not fade friendship.


tonys..     moonbase 1

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello Tonys
Thank you
Late for book keeper's surprise birthday.
Perhaps I can surprise her by sending her the warmest wishes now.
Love the cobble streets yes might catch a glimpse of me there but not in coffee shops.
Ambling along observing and thinking about history in past.
Appreciate your thoughts