Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Morning sis
I mustve fell asleep before i seen your msg. It was ok thanks
How was your day? @Sans911

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

@Sans911 💜

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

How are you going tonight?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I've had a pj day lil Sis @outlander

I'm low in mood but otherwise OK. I've still got a sore throat and now a mild cough.


Not done much today except supporting Snowie through a very difficult day. I got some paperwork taken care of, watched a really great movie, Million Dollar Baby and not much else.


Oh boy, Jasper has just spotted a flying insect!


How are you? Did you do any thing for your birthday yesterday?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Nothing wrong with a pj day. I needed one of those today but have been busy with other things. I needed the distraction anyway so was ok.

Is there anything causing your low mood or just a meh feeling with no real explaination?
Hugs for the cough and sore throat. ❤

Oh dear hes always into something isnt he!

I was mostly volunterring. Left gome at 730 for an 8am start and then ended up staying till 2 even though i was only suppose to be there till 12 and then just went out for dinner. So was a pretty quiet day yesterday.
Howd your car boot sale go?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Car boot sale was terrible @outlander

The weather was overcast, windy, and then we had a massive downpour. Lots of things got wet so I packed up and left. I had to pay a fee to be there, and basically only sold enough to cover that. I'll sell stuff at home, I can more money and its easier.


My low mood is just lingering. I don't have any real reason except life's pretty challenging atm.


I didn't know you were volunteering yesterday. Can you say about it without revealing too much?


Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Wow dreadful weather! Yeah i would rather sell from home too. @Sans911

Life is very challanging for you, im here if you want to talk though about whatever you need.

It was a bbq fundraiser for my sisters sporting club so was just at bunnings selling them from there. Im really not a fan of doing that but always get dragged in!

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

My life is no more challenging than yours lil Sis @outlander


Challenges are there, and we all face them differently. I have quite good resilience, from my early years of neglect and disadvantage. I had to learn to survive in a world that was difficult to navigate alone at a very early age. But I know little of your background, and you know little of mine, so these help or not to shape how we deal with things later. Plus, I am much older than you too.Mmm, methinks I am rambling BS here.



Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Lol i dont mind your rambles anyway @Sans911
I might just come sit next to you though sis. Hoping sleep comes before 2am tonight

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?