Re: I can’t cope

I’m a pretty phonetic speller too. @tyme. I’m a reasonable speller because of it. 

He sounds like he needs YouTube like my friend’s son and learn stuff. My friend’s son could do a whole project on the titanic with just his knowledge. 

It’s interesting to see how different kids can be. 

Pix and Jett are getting along so much better. They spend time playing together everyday. Jett is really pushy, he has to be in my lap so if Pix is there he either climbs on her or sits on my chest with his body in my face! He has learnt to jump on the bed so he know sleeps on it too. It’s hard to sleep with a dog on each side that has to be touching you. 

I eat sitting on the lounge, my dining table always has diamond art on it. He sits on the back of the lounge with his feet on my shoulder and his face is centimetres from my face. He watches every mouthful. It’s so cute though. 

Im on a ramble tonight have my phone convo. Connection helps! I have managed to do ACE today really well! 


Re: I can’t cope

She’s the best @tyme

Re: I can’t cope

@tyme see how much I love my kids I talk about them all the time because I love them

Re: I can’t cope

I know you love them @ArraDreaming . "Daddy's little girl!" I hear!


My youngest niece is daddy's little girl. He doesn't have it in him to discipline her so she just shouts at him lol 


@Captain24 , I'm glad your babies are getting along so much better. Lol. I hear Jett is a bit feisty, eh? Maybe with age, Pix has toned down? I'm glad they play together.


Very cute. I read your post a few times and was picturing your dog sitting behind you watching you eat. That's cute as!


I'm so glad a bitta connection has helped tonight @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

He’s feisty for sure @tyme. If Pix or Keiko won’t play he nips them! He walks behind me and jumps up and bites my bum! 

Yeah.. Pix is now the well behaved one. Never thought that would happen. I’m hoping Jett settles and stops being a biter. 

It is so cute. I have photos but I’m in them. I’ll try and get one without me. He has the cutest little face and it’s just adorable watching him eat. He should be a girl he is so delicate and pretty. 

Re: I can’t cope

Sounds like they bring so much joy to you @Captain24 . You are lucky to have each other. Jett was a rescue dog? I can't remember.

Re: I can’t cope

They do @tyme. Except when they are constantly barking, they do that a lot. I do love them. They are my life. They do bring joy. 

I got him as a pup from my best friend. He has been a handful and still not properly toilet trained. He is a little shit.

Jett has to have what the other dogs have. So he will have his own bone and then he will slowly walk over to try and take Pix’s. But he won’t let Pix anywhere near his. There is lots of growling involved. He has the cutest little growl. 




Re: I can’t cope

Wow! I never thought Jett would develop into such a feisty fellow @Captain24 ! And for Pix to mellow completely!


I can totally see Jett trying to take Pix's bone. That's what my dogs used to do. 


They are so amazing. 


Jynx and I are hoping to do a PGC and include something along the lines of the power of pets... but we are just thinking about how to make it more inclusive so that even if members don't have a pet, they can still contribute.

Re: I can’t cope

It’s like having kids. Back chat included! Lol. 

If you do decide on it can we work it so it’s my days off? Please? @tyme 



Re: I can’t cope

Sure thing @Captain24 . It's still away off. I'll let you know.


Anyway, I'd better start wrapping up. I'm running a bit late in getting everything finished tonight!


Thanks for the catchup!


Stay safe, stay well, stay being you!