Re: I just can't.

They just gave me Paainkillers and sent me home.

Re: I just can't.

Awww... You're way too kind @Faith-and-Hope.

@The-red-centaur - I take it everything checked okay? Might be time to find a good GP who can help monitor any symptoms or health concerns you have, even mental health as well.

Re: I just can't.

@Sans911 apparently my bloods were ok and they said it's probably anxiety or a result of b/p.

Re: I just can't.

It sounds that way to me too @The-red-centaur , that you could use getting to know a particular gp, and them know you, and understand your health needs.  It’s a way of keeping all your medical results in one place too, because the hospital will send reports and test results to your gp, and the information can be looked at in what is called holistically .... looking at the whole person rather than bits and pieces.

Re: I just can't.

I'm gonna go to bed @Sans911 @ Faith-and-Hopehope you have a good evening.

Re: I just can't.

Heading to bed too @The-red-centaur 


Goodnight @The-red-centaur @Sans911 

Re: I just can't.

Good morning @The-red-centaur

Thinking of you this morning & hoping you are feeling a little better.

Re: I just can't.

I'm seeing my pdoc tomorrow. I'm so anxious. I'm too scared to say anything about bulimia and how much ptsd is messing with my life.

Re: I just can't.

What do you expect their response to be if you did tell them what was really happening @The-red-centaur?

Re: I just can't.

The way to get help out of those cycles is to talk about them @The-red-centaur.


Would it help to write them in a piece of paper and hand that over to the pdoc ?