Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1 hoping you got some sleep last night and today has been a little better for you.

Lots of squishy hugs hun 💕💕💕

Re: Struggling

@Snowie @eth @Maggie @frog @NatureLover @outlander - 5th night with no sleep. Constantly switching alters, crying, fighting urges. 
I feel empty and lost. I need to hide.

Take care 🌻🌻

Re: Struggling

@Snowie - constantly fighting urges, constantly fighting my MH. I just want it to give me a break. 
I scared. I'm feeling really lost. 
Feeling low, and unheard by my family. 
I'm going to hide from the world now. 
I scare scare 😭😭

Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1  I’m sorry you feel scared. If hiding helps, then do what is helpful. We are here, listening and caring. Take care. 

Re: Struggling

Hey @Maggie , 

I'm just lurking about. Overlooking and posting when I feel comfortable. Catching up on all the notifications I have missed. 
take care 


Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1  5 nights is a long time to go without sleep.  For me that would trigger me into a bipolar mania.  I'm concerned about you.  Do you have a Dr you can talk to about this soon?  @Former-Member  do you have any advice for Candydipper1?

Re: Struggling

Hey there @Fluttershy1 Smiley Happy


Yikes 5 nights without sleep it a lot! When we haven't had enough rest it can be heaps harder to manage our feelings and urges. Hopefully you can take it easy today and hang out here if it helps. If you are feeling too overwhelmed the helplines are always there too. Go gently with yourself.

Re: Struggling

@eth - why are you concerned? 
they think I have a suspect of bipolar as it runs in my family.

ima go hide now.

i safe 

Re: Struggling

Hey @Jupiter,


things are hard, I have been reaching out to helplines but they aren't being helpful right at this moment.


Im struggling through today. I just want it to get eaiser, my depression and switching alters are tiring.


I sorry Smiley Sad


I go hide, depression hits again.


take care

Re: Struggling

@Jupiter - it helps hanging out it, keeps me occupied. Going through all my notifications that I haven't read