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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

It is certainly more than ok for me @Hope4me - I wouldn't want to presume to speak for @Faith-and-Hope but I will lol - come on over my bug buddy Smiley Very Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hopr4me- hiya, I see you've met some pretty cool people on the forums already. I've just read your entire thread and there's a lot of similarities in our characters. I too, am a big helping person, but I'm learning through my experiences with my own MI and through the wonderful people on this site, I can ask and receive help too. You seem like a really nice person to know, so I just dropped by to say hello and welcome.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hey and nice to meet you @Sans911 

It seems many on here relate to being a shoulder to cry on for all and sundry. Finding a healthy balance is more complex than desirable eh?

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Come over an join us in TOR @Phoenix_Rising - F&H is teasing me - again - with images I have to wait for - this little flutterby's patience is diminishing by the minute with the increase in tiredness Smiley Surprised

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

 Hello my new friends;

It was lovely to exchange silliness yesterday with everyone. @Zoe7 @Sans911 @Phoenix_Rising @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Bimby2 @Former-Member @TAB @soul

Also nice to help a fellow sufferer in need too. @outlander 

If I've forgotten anyone, please forgive me.

I received a call from a friend who wants me to help start his business. I haven't worked since 2014 so it's challenging me to my core. A panic attack or two later I had to send him an email and ask for things to slow down.

It's in the 'helping' profession yet again. But this time as a personal assistant. More to my liking and (admin) skill base.

I don't know if I'm capable as I was medically retired due to in-house bullying by colleagues and managers. But it's only a couple of days per week and the money won't go astray.

Although I'm not on the books yet, I sent my first work related email this morning. So, being employed again might not be too bad if I take things slowly.

I'm glad I have this site to vent my thoughts.

Thanks for reading...

Hope x Heart


Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

wow @Hope4me that sounds really positive - yes a little scary but your friend must have complete confidence in you to offer you the work - awesome by bug buddy - very pleased for you Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me that sounds really positive , sending you some hugsHeartHeart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Very promising @Hope4me - hope it's a good fit for you. All the best.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Accepting all your comments and hugs with pleasure...thankyou

@Zoe7 @Shaz51 @soul 

Kindness comes from the most unexpected corners doesn't it? It makes me happy to read your words.

Hope x Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Happy is what we strive for @Hope4me - too hard to find most days - so we take it where we find it hey Heart

I can't wait to hear more about it all from you @Hope4me Smiley Very Happy

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