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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hey Bug Buddy @Zoe7

When life gives you lemons, don't try and play the bagpipes! 🙂

(As my Nan used to say)


Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hi there, new friend. 😀👋💜 @Hope4me

That's amazing, Hope4me.
I can understand that you feel anxious about working again. I'd feel the same.

I guess you could give it a try and see how you cope. It might be perfect for you.
Maybe you could start with half days at first.

Definitely worth a go. 😀💪👍
But only you know what you can cope with.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Absolutely! @Former-Member 

I'm so very capable, but my Mental Health disorder plays a huge role in it working in my favour (or not) as well for my new boss. (Friend)

After I was retired, I didn't know what to do with myself, but then I was a psychological mess! I wasn't up to looking after myself let alone anyone else.

But I've worked really hard to come to a place where I have coping strategies and insight to maybe turn this opportunity into a future positive experience. Sometimes it's moment by moment, and then it's day by day, then trusting returns. That's the plan...


Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

oh @Hope4me you made me laugh again - I still have lemons on my tree and now all I am going to see is little mini bagpipes instead of lemons - if I start hearing bagpipes playing in my head then I will really know I am losing my mind - thanks to my funny big buddy Smiley LOL

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I hope it's a good thing for you @Hope4me

A step at a time and a day at a time.
Rest and look after yourself first, that's for sure. I was always a "people pleaser", it took me years to learn to think about myself.
Now I'm a bit isolated and am working on getting well, so I can start afresh. 💕

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Oh my gosh! Bagpipes. Nooooooooo 😂
@Zoe7 @Hope4me

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Zoe7I'm glad I tickled your wings with my antics. "Back atcha!" You make me smile gurrrl...

My Nan used to take a bag of lemons to parades with bagpipe bands and suck them in front of band members. Their saliva glands must've taken a beating for sure which made blowing into them impossible. She used to laugh sheepishly thinking she'd made my day. I wasn't disappointed 🙂

Even thinking about lemons makes my mouth moisten. 


I'm grateful for your attention and love that you're reading/liking my posts. I hope one day I can return the favour. Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I know @Former-Member - not going to get them out of my head today - @Hope4me has been here (on the forum)  for all of '5 minutes' and already has managed to 'do my head in' LOL - that is actually pretty cool my bug buddy - so glad you are here - both of you Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

haha @Hope4me typing as you posted lol

You Nan sounds like she was hilarious - love the cheekiness Smiley LOL 

@Hope4me whether you can or cannot one day 'return the favour' here isn't an issue - what is important is that you feel safe, supported and you belong - all of which I think inevitably leads to us being able to 'return the favour' naturally anyway. (Is that too serious from me bug buddy? Smiley Surprised)

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Oh bug buddy...but what a beautiful head!! @Zoe7 

5 minutes is enough to make people laugh. It is afterall the best medicine. I've got to log out in a minute. It's been so very nice chatting with your both. @Former-Member 

I'll be smiling for the rest of the day; maybe with a little spit gathering in my mouth and at the edges. He But all worth it 🙂

Catch you on my return...

Hope x Heart

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