Re: not feeling good

Hi again my friends @Owlunar @Molliex @Angels333 @Shaz51 @MDT @Former-Member @Gazza75 @Zoe7 @CheerBear and others following 


just saw my psych and I'm staying until end of next week. 

he asked how I am and I told him I'm very flat. Gets worse as the day goes. And I don't care about snyghing and tired. 
He is increasing one of my meds 

I had a psychologist see me today snd I told her about art therapy and how I got upset. I showed her the painting and she said she could see do much mixed emotions in my painting. She showed me where and when I looked at it i agreed. it was interesting once she explained it. 
Did some washing today and now I'll watch some tennis. My daughter and A came in this morning for a coffee. Little A is chstting so much. Telling me stories of her days at hime. She makes me laugh so much with her words and expression on her cute little face. 
Wishing you all a good night. 
love BB ❤️❤️❤️

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay 


That's actually good that you don't care about anything right now - at least I think so - it seems that you have been over-concerned about everything for months and months - really stressed out, pushing yourself all the time and really overwhelmed


But it must be strange for you - great that you are in hospital though - you don't have to bother about anything right now - all you have to do is let time pass but yeah - strange contrast


Are you going home today or next week - I feel it's next week - by then you might be cutting back on the medication that has been making your drowsy or you will be used to it - 


It's great too that your saw your D and little A and having A chatting away like that - it sounds what we used to call old-fashioned - my daughter was like that - such beautiful gifts


I had a rough patch - now I realise that I was overcome by the smoke and cutting back medication - January is a strange time - a sort of back water in the year with so many people on holidays


I have missed shifts from my domestic helpers and also my GP is back from holidays but there was one week when I could only get one appointment at the clinic I go to - and I was lucky to get that - I got narky this week when I was about to miss another shift and they got someone in from another agency - 


Life always has ups-and-downs - I guess that's the way it is but it can be troublesome 


Take your time about coming home though - if you feel as if you need longer tell your doctor - you will know when the time comes



Re: not feeling good


Thinking you my friend. 🙂

You are in a place where you are getting help and right when you need it.

Keep on keeping on my awesome friend 🙂

Re: not feeling good

Hey guys @MDT @Owlunar @Molliex @Angels333 @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Gazza75 @Faith-and-Hope @CheerBear @Zoe7  @Maggie  abd others following 


i will be in here for another week. I'll be discharged end of next week. That will be 3 weeks.  This is how I am atm 

1. ok that my mum wasn't a good mother to me. It's ok I get it she didn't know how to be a living supportive mum. 
2. I've realised that I'll be ok with no job fir another month and I'm going to stop looking fir this next week as it was becoming too addictive and interfering with my mental health. 
3. I will come off my med thst calmed me down to give me much needed break in my mind. 
4. I feel so confident that I've had a fantastic empathetic caring psych this time. 
5. I know I'll be ok in selling our home and finding another. It will be ok. There are others out there that have no house. I at least have a house. 
6. I was given a cortisone injection with ultrasound in my hip tiday. Hoping this improves. 
7. I'm starting the ACT therapy group next Wednesday. My psych is given me time out to do this. 
8.  I'm so grateful thst my psych didnt want me to do groups. 
9. I'm reading my book this week. I can start to concentrate. 
10. I so glad I've got good support from hubby kids and nurses. 

This psych I have this admission has told me a story and it's made me realise I'll be ok with things. Losing my job is grief and I'm slowly dealing with that. My abuse I need to accept but maybe with this ACT course I will be able to do that. 

I do think of you all and hope you're travelling ok. 
I know some are doing it tough - sending you a special hug. 
love to all 

BB ❤️❤️❤️

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

You have made amazing progress @BlueBay  .. So pleased for you and also proud of you. 😀💕

Re: not feeling good


That was a great post to read.  You have worked out the things you can have some effect upon, and what you have to simply come to accept. You have good reasonable plans in place and are getting a support network that suits YOU. I can really relate to not have enough concentration to be able to read  a book ... so glad that is getting sorted.  Best of luck always to you on your journey.  There are challenges ahead, but many of them, I am sure you will manage very well.  That is all we can do.

Hugs Bella


Re: not feeling good

So pleased for you too @BlueBay ..... you are definitely sounding like, but by bit, things are coming together for you.  Way to go ❣️

Hugz 💐💕

Re: not feeling good

Thanks for the update @BlueBay , I  am so glad that you can see things objectively.   I'm falling in love with your psych.


Love Angels333 

Re: not feeling good

Ha ha @Angels333  this psych I'm seeing this time is funny, he actually smiles not like the others. He's so so understanding of my situation and when he speaks to me I understand him because he doesn't talk "psych talk" where it would normally go over my head. I love him too!!!


thanks @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom @Former-Member this stay has made me see things that I couldn't before. I think also NOT doing groups has helped. It gave me time alone. Which is what I clearly needed. 
what I've noticed this time is that I'm really enjoying colouring in. I've done so many I'll give to Ayla. Just sitting there with music in my ears and gently colouring in was so good for me. 
tiday I'm going home fir a little while. And tomirriw my kids are coming over for lunch will be nice to see them all. 
Hi too @MDT @Owlunar @Maggie @Shaz51 👋

wishing you all a great day. Xxx

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

Its so good hearing you sound so much happier and more positive about everything @BlueBay. You are doing so well. This hospital stay has been the healing experience you were so much in need of. Its also great that you have discovered the gentle joys of colouring in. This is something you can do anywhere, so I hope you continue that once home again too. Has the injection helped your hip?


Sherry 😀